Dutch Press Release Services

Dutch Press Release Services – Reaching media in the Netherlands

A celebrity who commits himself to a hip brand, a startup that raises enormous growth capital, a high-profile action by a well-known brand, a crisis situation anywhere in the world. The editorial columns are filling up quickly. The press is immediately available for bad news or sensations.

Fortunately, everyone can appear in the newspaper, trade journals, magazines and on radio and TV, without a famous name, misery or sensation! The media are happy to offer time and space to those who offer newsworthiness and relevance to their audience. I have been supporting many companies and organizations with this for years. I would also like to work with you to send your Dutch press releases in the Netherlands.

Dutch reader? To the Dutch page.

Here’s what your press release could look like:

Working with Saskia de Jong?

As a B2B marketer and media expert I have been supporting innovative companies and entrepreneurs in construction, architecture, real estate, manufacturing, installation technology building their brand, identity, and knowledge sharing for over 30 years. I’m experienced in creating and distributing news and organizing free publicity.
My extensive experience and well-established relationships with the media ensure that your press releases reach and resonate with the right audiences. Whether it’s crafting compelling narratives or navigating complex media landscapes, I bring a track record to your projects, making me a reliable partner for reaching the media with my Dutch press releases services.

This is what clients and journalists say:

Our bold initiatives for a shift in the Dutch construction sector are succeeding thanks to Saskia putting her shoulder to the wheel. Her press releases have opened countless doors for us. She also taught me how to convey our message contagiously. We really need people with courage and good ideas like Saskia!!
Clarence Rose
Kennisinstituut KERN
When our editorial team receives mail from Saskia, we know it has been thought through. It’s driven by content. It’s crafted with care, vigor, and passion, and it contains points of interest for our target audience. Nowadays, the world is full of PR consultants that offer little added value. Saskia is nothing like that.
Eddy Buiting
Eisma Bouwmedia
Saskia has been handling our press releases for over 10 years now. The count is already above 100 and doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. We find it an excellent way to get press coverage, thanks in part to our pleasant collaboration. We hope to continue this way for many more years!
Merlin Hafkamp

Frequently Asked Questions about Dutch Press Release Services

Although I can write about anything and have access to the addresses of all media in the Netherlands, the answer is: no. We have the best cooperation if what you do matches my expertise in technical markets: construction, architecture, real estate, manufacturing and installation technology. Sustainability has my special interest. Then we can switch easily and I can quickly identify which media are relevant. Makita, Bostik, Wienerberger, thyssenkrupp are some of my clients. See client list.

Only if it’s already a Dutch text, but I always measure the text against my own yardstick first. After all, I also link my name to the presss release. I check whether the information is worth a press release and how the text is written. If I think the text – for a press release – is not strong enough, I will report this so that it can be improved, by me or by you. And: the images partly determine the success, so I also assess that and advise if there is room for improvement.

For each press release I look at which media the news is interesting for. Depending on the size of your portfolio, there may be several press lists. Sometimes news is correct or also suitable for regional media, sometimes especially for the daily media, or exclusively for trade media. This can vary enormously per organization and per subject. A press list is therefore always tailor-made.

I use a Dutch press database that is kept permanently up to date, sending is always GDPR-proof. Working with a local partner who understands and is familiar with the media landscape gives you significant advantages. An international list cannot match the precision of a local expert’s insights. My local knowledge ensures that your press releases are spot-on, targeting the right media outlets effectively, which an international list may not consistently provide. This local expertise guarantees that your press releases reach the most relevant audiences, maximizing your visibility and impact in the Netherlands. The Dutch press database is also useful for pitching news about products, projects etc. to individual journalists.

For sending press releases to Belgium, Germany and the UK, I work with local communication agencies. In Belgium almost monthly. If you are not based there and don’t have the connections, I will take care of the entire process in those countries, including translations. So my Dutch press release services also crosses borders!

That is certainly more than 2,500, in more than 30 years! And together they have appeared in the media at least more than 25,000 times. I’m quite proud of it!

That is a very useful help! But of course it doesn’t happen automatically. You know, just like me, that you can get messy work when you put a machine to work. You know what your news is, you know the ins and outs. My contribution remains to keep a close eye on the newsworthiness, to compile the press list and of course to keep ChatGPT in check.

Dutch journalists prefer press releases in Dutch. So yes, I will translate your press release from English, German or French into Dutch and stay as close to the original as possible. Other languages I’ll have translated if requested.

Ready to start?

Great, I’m eager to get started on sending your Dutch press release to the media!

I need

Briefing, text, images

You get

Editing, media list, statistics


Translation E/D/F+sending: €610

Book a 30-minute online meeting to discuss sending a press release in the Netherlands.

Or contact me at saskia@dejongev.nl or call me at +31 (0) 85 017 1700.